Have you heard of Dotee dolls? They are wonderful little creations filled with love and always seem to bring a smile to those that hold them. I ran across them not long ago and have been smitten with them since. I posted two on my blog that I created recently, one was done up in a winter theme, the other a Christmas theme. Both were so much fun to create.
I discovered Dotee dolls around the same time I happened upon Dot's blog, she is as uplifting as the dolls named after her.
Dot approached me not long ago about doing a one on one swap and I jumped at the chance. I found posts on her blog that indicated her favorite color used to be purple, but is now green. So my goal was to incorporate both colors into this doll.

I happen to have a little 4 inch purple doll form on hand made by Carol Strand-Siebers and a wonderful green face by Jen Martin - that's all the inspiration I needed to get beading.

I glue the face to the doll form and once dried, I begin beading around the face, and more often that not, will use peyote stitch to further secure the face to the form.

Once I feel the area around the face is complete, I move to the back of the head and bead a spiral. On this particular doll I used size 11/0 beads. I like to add lots of 'hair', so this provides a good base for that.

I don't usually have a plan ahead of time for a design, I choose a few focal beads and add those first and go from there. I beaded the back of this doll first, starting with the pressed glass heart and moved down from there. The 3 light green opaque beads are 2 holed as are the transparent vintage nail heads.

This was a joy to work on each and every time I picked it up.
***Note*** you can see larger versions of each photo by clicking on it
Exquisite work as usual, Grace! This dolly is a charmer . . .
Kathy V in NM
I LOVE her Grace!!!I can see there is so much work in this doll. And I will treasure her forever. Can't quite believe she is going to live with me (yipeee!).
You are so talented and I feel very special to be able to own one of your dolls.
Dot xx
She's a beauty Grace. Your work is always an inspiration. Dot's a lucky lady to receive one of your lovely beaded dolls.
...oh,Grace!This dolly is another piece of art from your talented fingers..I'm envious of Dot!These colors together are just beautiful...maybe both of you will do a trade with me later in the year?
Thanks for sharing her on your blog!
How playful the color choices are Grace, they represent the joy that Dot (and def. YOU) give to the world everyday by use of your blogs. Way to spread the smiles girls! I wonder what you will get? Dots dolls are lil treasures of goodness, wrapped up in a bundle of HAPPY. ~Monica
Make that HAPPINESS.
OO man, your dolls just keep getting better and better! xo, Moi
She's fantastic! Dot is a lucky gal.
each time I see one of these you have done I'm blown away. Great job!!
che meraviglia la tua bambola. io adoro il verde e tutte le sue sfumature.
gradisco di più l'espressione del viso dela bambola blu, ma mi piace molto questo colore.
mi dà l'idea della madre terra. ciao matilda
Wow she is sure pretty! Your beading so beautiful!! I love the colour mix and the balance of colour and texture.
Cheers, Denise
Aw... you are all so very nice, thank you so much for your comments.
Phyl, I'm always up for a swap.
Matilda - I translated your note with Babel Fish and you are such a dear. I'm glad you like the color and the doll.
I sincerely appreciate all the kind words from everyone!
I finished my frist project if you want to see it done.
Grace, Another little wonder here. You keep coming up with these little beauties, all so different You are such an inspiration.
Grace just gorgeous the beading the colors used the whole idea! I am new to your creative blog and shall also be participating in the *one world/one heart event* although I have not the badge posted I will post my gift sometime week of 20th. Nice meeting you and your art! :)NG
Hey... thanks Day, I did check out your stuff and left a comment.
Maggie you're so kind! Naturegirl, I'm thrilled to hear you're participating in the One World One Heart swap, it's shaping up to be a good one for sure!
She is absolutely gorgeous. Wow, all the work that must have gone into her.
I came here via the bead art forum and one of the first post I see "is my first beading class" so was somewhat surprised to see such skillfully beaded doll. Looks like you are truly striken by the bug.
I love the post about your progression to beading, very similar to mine, except the beaded ornaments. I suspect its because it has the same meditate feel as cross-stitch but more of a challenge artistically.
Thanks ladies... Jaqui, one of the reasons I CAN bead up a doll is because of the support and encouragement of the folks at the Bead Art forum - they are wonderful there.
I appreciate you all stopping by!
Stunning : )
Thank you Leila, I appreciate you stopping by!
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