I happen to have some extra cuff blanks, so I am including a 1/2 inch brass bracelet in each package as well as a strip of Pellon (the heavy duty type). The only thing they will need is a strip of ultra suede or another backing of their choice.

First cuff package contains a small tiger eye cab, and various shades of brown/gold 11/0 & 15/0 beads as well as 4mm fire polished beads

Second cuff package contains a small vintage green glass foil back cab, various shades of green and purple 11/0 & 15/0 beads as well as & 4mm square glass beads

Third cuff package contains a really neat glass 2 holed copper colored bead with 2 calla lilies, also included are copper colored 15/0, 11/0 & 8/0 beads as well as some size 11/0 triangle beads.

Fourth package includes a tiny ceramic face by Earthenwood Studio. Size 11/0 & 15/0 beads in green and blue; 10/0 blue-green hex beads & 8/0 dark green beads
Well, I certainly hope the rest of the participants in this swap are as generous as you are! Neat packets, Grace . . .
Kathy V in NM
I agree. These are very generous packages. If everyone sends stuff like this you'll be beading all year on cuffs!
WOW -- what great items you are including. This should be just fantastic -- you are most generous, Grace. Would love to see photos of these made up.
Hi Grace!
Love your cuff kits, especially the tiger eye. I fell in love with tigereye when I went to a gem exhibit at the state fair with my dad MANY years ago. He bought me a piece and I still have it somewhere.
Beadily yours
Night Beader
What a stupendous idea and you've been such a thoughtful and generous provider with you sets. Will you get four returns that you have to complete? If you do, you'll be beading cuffs for quite a while!! ;)
Thanks all!
Kathy - I have to say, it's a pretty generous group. I know I will come away with lots of treasures!
Freebird - good to see you, I think I will be busy for a while :-)
Jackie - I'll be sure to post photos or links when/if these make it to being cuffs someday.
Susan - tiger eye holds a special meaning for me too, it was one of my dads favorite stones and always reminds me of him.
Okay, Grace -- just finished putting up photos of those cuff bracelets I finished for Christmas gifts. Still have two more to go.
Kathy V in NM
Wow, these are great sets !
I have done some exchanges and I usually feel let down. I think these women will feel happy.
And they are wonderful Kathy, very nice work!
Glad you like them Helene
DayByDay - I have been in a few swaps where reality did not meet my expectations, but I've exchanged with this group before and thankfully they never disappoint!
These are going to be awesome cuffs!!
Hi Lora... thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing what the participates do with their kits, I can hardly wait to see what I'll receive as well. I see lots of cuffs in my future :-)
Oh lovely colours Grace, almost makes me wish I'd done the cuff swap.. I'll look forward to seeing what you get back in this swap ;9
Hi Ellen - good to see you. The swaps at AAB have been good to me, I suspect this will be no exception. I'm so excited to see what I receive as well - I'm itching to do another cuff!
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