Thanks again to everyone that participated in this drawing and to those that have followed my blog over the last year. I am thankful for the support and the inspiration you provide with your comments.
In other news - when I returned from my trip to Kentucky, I came hope to an extremely thoughtful gift and wonderful surprise from my friend Kathy Wagner of Kathy's Quilts.

Some beautiful fabrics

And matching beads and thread.
I appreciate it so much Kathy, these are some of my very favorite colors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You made my day... my week!
More good news - I finished beading my doll for the 2009 BFAC auction. At times, I never thought I'd finish her - I'll hope to post photos in the next few days - once I am able to set aside some time to get the images ready.
Now on to the remaining 3 months of the Bead Journal Project - I'm looking forward to finishing up, I have ideas for the last 3 pages and am already mulling over ideas for the next year of pages.
On things unrelated to beading...I spent some time at my son's house this past week, my grandson is playing soccer and baseball so I try to make it to as many games as my work schedule will allow. I enjoy being a spectator and interacting with the kids which are 7-9 years old.
While at my son's earlier this week he showed me his latest Wii purchase - The Wii Fit. It is a BLAST. Exercise hasn't been that much fun in ages!

The kitten is growing like a weed and is cuter every day. It has the most adorable gumdrop nose. It runs, jumps and tries it's best to be quite ferocious - to no avail, it just makes us laugh. We still have not figured out it it's a male or female
It will be 6 weeks old tomorrow night and is such a delight to watch, I could spend hours just watching it play - such a zest for life in that little body. That baby can be running one minute and fall fast asleep in the next minute. Oh, to be young and carefree.

So glad you're back and so sorry I didn't win your beautiful cuff kit!Hee, hee!Your quilting friend sent you wonderful things to play with!I could just eat that little kitten up!!
E-me and I will tell you if it's a girl/boy!Baby kittens are wondrous things.Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to Noel! I hope she enjoys your kit. Speaking of kits, that little one is so adorable! Bet you are sooo glad you have her/him!
Yep, the grandkids seem to grow up even faster than our kids did! I wish it weren't so.
OMG, that is the cutest kitty! She (or he) looks just like my very first cat which I lost about 5 years ago. I miss her so much as she was so very special. I just love those blue eyes and that little black nose! How totally adorable. And the pictures of her mom with her. I just love them all!
Oh, and I also really like the new fabrics and beads. My favorite colors. Make something wonderful!
So, are you gonna show us that BFAC doll?
Kathy V in NM
Thanks everyone!
KV - I took a TON of photos this evening of the BFAC doll and the lighting was horrible. I hope to get better shots tomorrow during the day, I'll post soon... promise :-)
Congrats to Noel! Love your new sweet kitty, beautiful blue eyes.
Congrats Noel! Now how do we win the kitty? xoxo, Monica ;)
Congratulations to Noel! I'm sure she will do a beautiful job with that kit! Lucky you to receive such a lovely gift too (beautiful colors)!
Kitty is absolutely darling Grace...what beautiful blue eyes! I didn't realize you weren't sure if it was a boy or girl! Any given name yet? And, only how do we win the kitty?!!! LOL! She's out making rounds and teasing again!!! ;-)
Wow, I've been off for a couple of days and when I come back I find out I won this beautiful kit...WooHoo!!!!
Thank you Grace...can you include the kitty little Shayla would love to have a little friend to play with...heehee!
I look forward to see your pics of the BFAC doll....I'm sure she will be breathtaking!
I'm so glad your present arrived safely and that you liked it!
With that beautiful little kitten around, I don't know how you get anything done!
Lately I have been seeing signs offering siamese kittens for goodness...they are following me...and now I see this adorable baby here! Oh me, I have 5 cats already but am really NEEDING a new baby...just too cute for words, Grace!
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