Well... I've finished my portion of the quilt square. It's next destination is Oregon where my friend Bobbie will work her quilting magic and turn this into a 9-square quilt piece. I'm excited to see the results once it's all done. After Bobbie finishes with the quilting part of it - she will send it off to her sister Anne in Minnesota where she will work some embroidery magic and add the finishing touches before it makes it's way to it's final destination.
The beaded portion is almost 4 inches square. Here's a close up...
Before I began the beading, I basted paper to the back of the fabric for stability and when the beading is done I moisten the outside edges and tear away any excess. For anyone that is interested in seeing how the back looks... it's not pretty...

I actually like the backs of embrodery/tapestry projects, they have a kind of magic feeling to them. Great piece from the front anyways ! :o)
Wow - I could stare at this for hours! I love the effect you got with the sequins. Your patterns are wonderful - the heart and flowers in the corners are a surprise. How did you decide what you would do at each point along the way?
Thanks for the nice comments...
Hélène - I like the backs too, I just don't usually think to take photos of them.
Lin Moon - I'm so glad you like the beading, I'm getting ready to send it off to it's next destination and will post photos with the quilt is complete. As far as the design, I don't decide on anything before I start beading, other than the color and which beads I might use. Once I begin beading - I sew the beads down where it feels like they should go. I have a lot of fun with it.
doh! I particularly loooooove the exposed stitching. lol It looks like a corn maize to me. Smile!
Thanks Monica... me too! I'm going to do my best to remember to photo the backs of more embroidery pieces.
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