Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice - ing

Oh boy... Old Man Winter stopped in for a visit and boy is he ever cranky! He left a BIG mess behind.

I went to bed last night knowing there was an ice storm warning, we already had some snow on the ground but it was supposed to warm up just enough for a freezing rain. Being from California, 'weather' here scares me at times. We've had the power go out here before when it's been cold and it can get quite uncomfortable. I was hoping the weather folks were being overly cautious. I guess what really scared me is when I received an email from the Red Cross asking for volunteers to be ready to report. We have weather warnings here of many different flavors depending on the time of year - I had never received a notification from the Red Cross to be ready.

So, I got up early - before sunrise. There were odd sounds coming from outside as well as from the house itself - it sounded as though is was moaning. I peeked out the windows, and even in the dark I could see the outline of the tree limbs - all hanging quite a bit lower than expected.

Nature is an amazing and scary thing. Everything encased in ice is incredibly beautiful. I could hardly wait for the sun to rise.

We have very large, old trees in both the front and back yards - it makes for a beautiful and rather nerve racking experience when I stand outside and listen to the sounds... the wind blowing through the ice covered limbs, straining under the weight of the ice, then cracking and sometimes falling to the ground with a thud.

We had the power go out and come back on several times and I'm thankful that it stayed on - so far anyway.

We lost many tree limbs and there are 2 trees that we may not be able to save (pictured directly above and below). The clean up should keep us busy for a good bit of time.

I ended up calling the local policy/fire department because of this one tree - it looks like it split from the top and fell forward toward the street. Right on top of the line that runs between the light posts. The posts are now leaning toward one another and I hope they don't collapse. Can you see the line running through the middle of the tree in the above photo?

I figure the city/county must be busy, it's been quite a few hours since we called and they still have not made it out here.

Everything is still encrusted in ice - it never did warm up enough to melt much. It'll be interesting to see what tomorrow holds.

For those of you that have never seen or been in an ice storm - these photos might look fairly innocuous. To give you an idea of just what happens - I found a photo I snapped last winter of one side of the house (below) see how pretty a nice bit of snow looks?

Now here you can see what ice accumulation does to the very same trees. Click on each to get the enlarged view.

Here are some other shots from around the house...

This is a giant wasp nest - it usually sits quite high in the tree, but was brought down to eye level with the weight of the ice, so I was able to get a decent shot of it.

The clothesline

The top of a flower pot holder

Little Japanese Maple

And my neighbors yard


Carol Dean Sharpe said...

oh my... While your photographs are gorgeous, I would easily forgo them to know that you and everyone in these circumstances was safe. How frightening this must be. Not the kind of White Christmas anyone needs or wants. Be safe!!!

Sue said...

Oh, Grace...we've lived through one ice storm like that when we lived in NC. It was beautiful and terrible. Incidentally, though I don't currently have ice here in NE Ohio, we were told to expect it. I have to tell you, though, that without the ice, one could think those photos were taken in my yard. You have similar trees, similar vistas - it's amazing. Thanks for sharing the beauty and the wonder...

Double Infinity said...

oh it is so beautiful - great photos. hope the trees survive. reminds me of an ice storm we had here in Texas about 10 years ago. I'd love to bead a copy of that little Japanese maple photo!!!!!

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

hi grace
beautiful and destructive at the same time!
be careful out there
its kind of creepy the way you can hear the trees creak and pop and then the crashing sound when a tree lets go
right now we are having snow in new england but a mix is on the way for later today
and the bone chilling air is coming our way for monday too
stay safe :) stay in and bake!
can't wait to see your beadwork finished
thank you for the card :)
enjoy your day

girlgonethreadwild said...

ruuuuuuuuunning away!

Legs can't move fast enuff.... stay WARM (family is good for hugging)


GraceBeading said...

Hi all, thanks for the comments.

Carol - I really hope so too. I worry for the shut ins most of all. Fearful to leave their pets and their home to find warmth or those that just won't ask for help. There are folks that have been without power now for several days. We were one of those households yesterday and while it was only a day for us, it was a VERY uncomfortable day.

Sue - I'm hoping you folks made it through without any outages or damages.

DI - feel free to snag the photo and bead to your hearts content

Tammy - it is really creepy and a good reminder of how small and insignificant we are in the face of mother nature!

Dave Robertson said...

Grace, be safe! Ice storms are havoc. Wishing you happy holidays...

at Rings & Things

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Merry Christmas, Grace. You got hit a lot worse than we did. We had just a little ice on the trees, but not enough to do any more than make the branches hang a little lower.

Pursuing Art... said...

Oh man...I totally understand and it looks like your trees are in worse shape than ours. Isn't mother nature amazing and I agree...very scary at times!!!

We have many broken branches but thankfully no trees fell on our street although many have gone down all over Oregon in the last few days! I sure hope you don't lose those two trees!!

I'm sorry to read that you lost electricity does get uncomfortable and cold...and I don't bead as well in candlelight either!!! LOL!!!

Grace...stay safe and warm...winter has just begun! ~me

Maggie R said...

Oh My Grace, this is such a shame... Those beautiful trees snapping and I am sure the weather conditions were hazardous... Take care and stay warm....

Cathie said...

Weather truly makes life so interesting. Ice storms are magical but can be devastating.
Beautiful photographs.

Leaves of Grass

This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body - Walt Whitman