(clickable for a larger view)
This is the page for May - the final installation of my Bead Journal Project... hard to believe it's been a whole year. I'm happy to end the year on a colorful note. This page represents so much, starting with the back ground fabric - it was one of several beautiful pieces that were gifted to me in a random act of kindness by my friend Kathy over at Kathy's Quilts. I love the colors in all the pieces she sent but really liked the way this one seemed to compliment the felted hearts - aren't they wonderful?
Both of the hearts were made while I was in Kentucky with friends. We were there to celebrate the life of one of our other friends that passed away last December. My dear friend Anne brought a couple of pieces (strands, ropes...what do you call it anyway?) of roving. It is the first opportunity I have had to play with it - the colors she brought were beautiful! She also supplied the needle tool for dry felting. I made the little blue/purple heart using that method.
She pulled off a bigger hunk and added a bit of water to wet felt hers. We had a ball. There were two other friends with us (Bobbie and Sammie) that joined in the fun as well. It was an evening filled with good food, good friends and fond memories of our departed friend. Simply perfect!
The smaller blue heart represents the struggles I've encountered with a loved one over the last few months, the heart break as well as the hope for healing and positive things in the future.
The larger heart represents my time spent in Kentucky at Faith Hill with my friends. The little green heart in the upper left represents Lonnie - our departed friend, how much he'll be missed and the way he brought us all together. The little pearls are for each of my friends - Anne, Bobbie, Sammie, Berlis, George, Wayne and Pam - each special and dear to me in so many ways. The spiral for the cycles of life and change. May it all be for the better!
The past 12 months on the project has taken me through highs and lows, many that came as an unexpected surprise. Some incredibly creative months and others not so much. It's been mostly fun, sometimes hard, but always a great learning experience. I have had a tendency to shy away from dipping too far into the well of my feelings for fear of what I may pull out - knowing these pages are on a stage where there is a greater chance that more people will see them than my comfortable circle of friends. In the last 12 months I have tried my best to dig a little deeper, share a little more and at times it has been challenging - a good challenge though, a healthy challenge to be sure.
I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this project. I have found it to be a valuable learning experience. If/when you get a chance, please take a moment (or an hour) and check out the website created for this special project. You will find images and bios on each of the participants from all over the world as well as information on the next year - yes Robin is doing it again! I have signed up to begin another year of bead work in September.
Now, putting together the 12 months of pages ... I can't really make it into a 'book' as some of my pages are fairly deep. Going back to December where I attached a snowman doll with his carrot nose - wouldn't be conducive to a book as I think of one. Right not I'm leaning in the direction of adding a little beaded loop to the back of each piece which will allow me to hang them in a grouping on a wall.
I hope to have a photo of them all together shortly. Thank you to those that have virtually taken this journey with me and provided feedback and support.
hi grace
ahhhh yet another wonderful BJP-can't believe its done for this year!
i would love to see them all together too-a loop on the back is good -i also think a small quilt/wall hanging would be nice
i love the way so much of you your life and issue's at that time have been represented-i think putting them all together will show you just how far you have come and the strength you have been given
as always
thanks for sharing your journey :)
enjoy your day
It's been a real pleasure sharing this past year with you, grace....so glad you're doing next year too!
You have really tied the year up nicely with this one. Hope is a necessary thing but also a gift. How wonderful to be able to include so many items that have meaning for you. The colors are super. It's certainly been a journey. I had no idea where it would take me over the year. What will next year be like?
Doesn't it feel good to have this years pages finished? They are, as you are, beautiful. Your friendship and encouragement to all of us has made this past year just that much more fun.
Looking forward to September and a new BJP start.
Your final piece is wonderful Grace and what a tribute to your friends! It must feel wonderful to finish the final one!
Thank you for sharing with us all!
~Lisa ;-)
One of the biggest bonuses of participating in the BJP this year was the chance to make good friends like you!
Kathy V in NM
Congratulations on finishing your last page! And a beauty it is!
I consider it such an honour to have one of my favorite fabrics in your final BJP!
Sorry it has taken so long to comment on your pages but I have been avoiding making comments because I waste so much time on the PC as it is and feel guilt ridden when I am not doing something creative. However, with the lack of the right colour beads ( arriving on Monday,hopefully) I felt I could afford to spend some time browsing individual blogs.
Your work has grown so much over the past year and I can understand the 'tendency to shy away from dipping too far into the well of my feelings for fear of what I may pull out " but you have managed it and with it you have grown. My favourite page has to be the tribute to your Mother, despite its dark echos, it really is filled with so much love and tenderness.
That is what I am getting from this your last page as well, such nice plump hearts, bursting to fill up the page.
looking forward to seeing what next year brings forth.
Oh, these little felted hearts are so wonderful!!!
I'm off with my heart-shaped cookie cutters and some roving to try some...you always inspire me!And I got up nerve enough to sign on for the new bead journal project for the next year! Eeeeek!
Your "pages" are just so special/beautiful.....thanks for sharing yourself and your gorgeous art with us!
I like the contrast in textures, it is very meaningful to me and I think it ends your 2007 BJP in a wonderful way. The soft hearts on a friendship cloth. Beautiful idea and craftmanship !
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