The doll is complete. Her name is Love Squared, the beauty of the doll itself and the whole project in general defies adequate description, but I will do the best I can here. The brilliant idea was conceived by Monica Magness and executed by a whole community. It has been amazing to watch Monica bring it to life with her magic hands. I am honored to be able to call myself a participant and humbled to be included with such wonderful artists.

Love Squared is almost 40 inches tall and weighs just over 6 pounds. There are 180 individually created 2 x 2 inch squares sent to Monica from participants all over the world, in addition to that there are many little extras including a bracelet, purse, necklace (doubles as a bracelet for the lucky final owner), the ribboned crown, a felted heart, bead embroidered crown (doubles as a bracelet) and butterfly box (with over 100 hand painted butterfly 'wings').

All the details, including the progress of the doll - from inception to completion and tons of photos can be found on Monica's blog. Do yourself a favor and spend some time going through her posts on this project. It is a treat for the eyes and I think it will warm your heart.

I created 5 squares pictured above for the project, the yellow one can be seen on the upper right hand side of her skirt.

I also created the crown she wears on her head (which can double as a bracelet for the lucky winner).

This doll and all of her wonderful extras will be auctioned off at a date (to be determined) in the future to raise money for Susan G. Koman for the Cure. First she will visit Art Doll Quarterly for a photo shoot.
Monica suggested the participants make a post, show off the doll we helped make and to dedicate it to someone who touched our heart.
I dedicate this doll to my grandmother, she is the single most inspiring person I have ever known. She helped guide me through much of my life and shape the person I am today, I am forever grateful.
I want to mention 2 people that I know that have been touched by breast cancer, one is Alice Pope - the mother of a good friend of mine. I did not know Alice all that well, but what I did know is that she was a sweet and gentle woman that raised some exceptional daughters. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer in 2001.
The other is my friend Deborah in Texas who continues to battle health issues after going through harsh treatments for both breast and anal cancer, she now battles bone cancer. I thought of both of these courageous woman and their families as well as other families that are faced with a cancer diagnosis each and every day. I only hope - one day - that I can say I do not know anyone with cancer. I hope Love Squared will help with that dream.
My sincere gratitude goes to Monica for coming up with the concept of the doll and being such a positive inspiration along the way. Monica - you have made me feel like a very special part of this project and I suspect from the comments I have read on your blog - you have made others feel the same way. It is a gift and I am grateful for it. A big thank you to her husband Jeff for supporting her in person while I could only do it from a distance through email and blog posts. AND for the wonderful photos, what a team!!!
Grace, what a thoughtful and heartwrenching post. You, like Monica -- are an angel. Your donation to the project exhibits the beauty and goodness you hold in your heart.
Your post on Love Squared is wonderful. It has been a privilege to share in this project.
I can't think of a better reason t o keep beading. I hope to continue doing these kinds of joyful works. Beading for a Cure is another one on which you and I work together.
Your crown looks wonderful on Love Squared. She certainly looks regal enough to carry it well.
I just noticed that my square is next to yours (the butterfly). Wasn't it nice of them to make sure every square was shown in a photo?
what an amazing and beautiful concept. your beadwork is exceptional and tops off the underlying doll so well.
Love the crown you made for her royal and neat that it doubles as a bracelet. That will be one lucky winner!
Grace, I just couldn't imagine our girl without the beautiful crown you made atop her head. MAGIC!
Your post captures our project perfectly. You know I keep saying it, but I'm so completely honored by your friendship and thus feel very blessed by your participation and involvement in making our doll such a huuuuuge success! TY!
I wish everyone could see Lady Love Squared in person, but since that can't be I'm overjoyed to visit the many many blogs that capture her spirit in photographs!
182 artists to create ONE doll. I'm so very proud of YOu and all of the GIVERS who stepped up to make this world ONE very lovely place to be in.
your friend, Monica :)
The doll is beautiful!
Oh - this is a post to touch my heart! I feel so privileged to be involved in this project and every square you contributed was exquisite.
Such a special project ignited by the big, open and wonderful heart of our Monica.
I love the crown you made and the dedications you made in this post made me cry.
You are a beautiful soul.
Dot xx
Thank you Grace for always being so AMAZING!!! Your post was so moving and beautiful! AMEN!!! Thank you for contributing the Crown and Glory to Love Squared! Bead On Girl!!!
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