Click on the photo if you want a really enlarged view
I completed a second square today for the Pink Artist project. I've had this wonderful rose quartz flower that I have been itching to put to use in something. I had pink beads out already after working on the first square, it all just seemed right.
I really like these pink beads (did I really just say that?), don't they look good enough to eat?
Tomorrow I might be feeling red, or possibly yellow. I'll know when I get there... such fun!
What a delicious little square this is. It is just too gorgeous -- the colors are so restful and springlike -I just love it.
Really lovely, Grace!
Kathy V in NM
Both you pink squares are lovely !
Gorgeous Grace! I enlarged the phoro to take a good look! That centre piece is beautiful. And as per usual your beading is exquisite!
beautiful beautifl grace :)
i just read on monica's blog that 65 artists are signed up for this!! absolutly wonderful:)
Thanks for the encouragement ladies, I appreciate it and I'm glad you like them.
I started on another one, red and blue this time. I wish I could just sit and bead... but work calls for now.
Thanks again.
Fabulously interesting!!! Job well done.
Good grief, Gracie!!!You just "out-do" yourself with every square!Being a pink/green nut myself, this is gorgeous...thanks for sharing your beautiful beading for this project!
Good God woman, are you trying to take my breath away? I'm speechless!!! R-E-A-L P-E-R-T-Y xo, Monica :)
Another beautiful square. I love the colour combo.
Sometimes when I scroll down my RSS feeds and see a picture, my mouth opens and a big WOOOOOOOOOW sounds emits.
This is one of those pics. Simply wow Grace.
Fabulously gorgeous!
Woweeee, thanks friends! So glad you like my little square :-)
Another outstanding square Grace!
Just beautiful!
wow! what a feat. all those beads. thanks for stopping by. it is so cool seeing what everyone is doing.
My goodness, this is amazing. I can't even imagine how many beads are on there.
Fantastic!!!!!!! I might have to spiffy mine up a bit. LOL.
Thanks Noel!
Tina - I agree, it's amazing to watch it all unfold.
Gerry - I feel the same way when I look at something that has been created by sewing such as your amazing creations!
Beautiful work!
Thank you Cat!
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