I recently finished up a couple of bracelets - both in a herringbone stitch, but different versions.
First up is a supple herringbone rope. The pattern is found in the June 2006 copy of Bead & Button. In the magazine one of the project samples is in gold and one in silver. I wanted to try one in multi colors for a friend, this is the result.
Next up is a herringbone spiral. I used a combination of instructions from Beautiful Bracelets by Jill Oxton and The Art & Elegance of Beadweaving by Carol Wilcox Wells. I started with a 12 bead ladder and used a combination of 11/0 Japanese seed beads and Delica's.
This is one of the easiest stitches for me to learn by book once I got past the ladder. I love the way it looks and feels and they bead up fairly quickly. Both of these are heading to Kentucky for a friend and one of her grand kids.
Grace, these bracelets are gorgeous. I think bracelets are my fave. I haven't mastered the "Herringbone" stitch for some reason, but I plan to try it again and AGAIN!!!!!LOL
Love coming here to see what you are up to....
BTW I sort of snickered to myself when you said you couldn't find the snowman give-a-way cab.... Oh that struck to close to home. I have bought birthday cards that are just perfect for the person and when the time comes I can never find them without tearing the house up!!!! I plan to have a better plan in 2008....YEAH!! RIGHT!! where have I heard that before ROTFL
Happy New Year
Beautiful bracelets, Grace. But then, I don't think I have ever seen you make anything that was not beautiful!
Happy New Year!
Kathy V in NM
Hi ladies, and thank you for your kind words!
Maggie, I love making bracelets and am still learning. It's one of the few things I'll wear - so it makes it that much more enjoyable. By the way, I still have NOT found that first ornament.
Thank you Kathy - you are so kind.
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