I have named my journal... "Consecrate the ordinary", that is a statement that has stayed with me since I first read it, many years ago in a book by one of my favorite authors, Kent Nerburn. Those 3 words say so much. My pages will be just a tad larger than 4 by 6 inches. I am using Pellon Peltex #70 as the stabilizer and have basted the material to it. I will back it with ultrasuede once the beading is done and add a picot or some other decorative edge.
My June page is about T-Ball, my 6 year old grandson, sunshine and nicer weather.

Life is good!
Wonderful job!! I'll look forward to seeing it when I am in Milwaukee (tomorrow!!!!)
I love the theme and title of your journal.
It's a wonderful work in progress - I love it !
Great wip and your bracelets are gorgeous as well!
I can see keeping up with all of us is going to be difficult as I was absolutely sure I had posted here yesterday and now find I hadn't!
Looks great...I can't wait to see more.
What a great start. I love the idea of "consecrate the ordinary." It gives me something to think about. Keep up the good work!
Hi Grace, love your page & the title for your journal.
You know I really hadn't thought to name my journal, maybe I should as there is nothing happening for me yet & that might jump start it
Love the bright warm colours and so many different types of beads!!! I also love your bugle work!!! It's so straight and even - I'm envious!!
Cheers, Denise
Wow... thanks for all the comments. I'm so glad you stopped by and left comments.
Don't feel bad Beadbabe, I can't remember which blogs I've visited or where I've left comments. There are so many to explore on the BJP group!
Great start Grace... glad I popped in; will watch for more!
Your first page is awesome.I love it and your beading is really neat.
I just started my pages....No theme yet but i expect something will happen this week-end.....HOPEFULLY!!!
Grace... totally awesome start! Your beading is such a inspiration to many of us! W hen do you sleep girl!
Monica, Maggie, Sammy - I'm glad you like the start of the first page, I've added a good amount since then and will attempt to take another progress shot in the next day or so. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.... Grace
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